Saturday, February 14, 2009

A very busy Sabado (Saturday)

Buenos dias, everyone!

A quick update in the midst of lots of activity... First, Happy Valentine´s Day!

We are currently moving all of the school equipment and supplies into the second floor of the building we cleared and cleaned (cleaning courtesy of Sherry S.). To recap, this will free up space in the main building (3rd floor) for additional living space for children.

Last night, the three puppies somehow made it into the third floor room that had just been painted. Everything had been cleaned up, except for a paint pan... One of the puppies found it and made little paw prints around the third floor before they entered into the guys sleeping area at 6-something AM. =)

We also just finished preparing the gift boxes that many of you donated. Thank you so much! We plan to give them out to the children later today.

The vans are in the process of being packed up with rice, beans, clothing, toys as we prepare to go to the colonia. Dave and Diane, and others will also make some balloon animals, hats, etc. for the children there.

A five year old boy named Abraham just came up to me and gave me a self-drawn purple heart with his name in it. I returned the favor by drawing a red heart with a crayon on a separate piece of paper. Inside, I wrote: ¨Jesus te amo!¨ and ¨I will miss you!¨

Later tonight we plan to particpate in a service here at the home, though we are unsure of what they are looking for... a message, puppets, drama, songs, balloons?

Off we go!


Unknown said...

Fantastic work by everyone! Mark, we've enjoyed your postings!

Sounds like puppies are puppies the world 'round. :) I'm sure that was not fun to clean up...

How wonderful you can share the love of Jesus with children who return it back to you! God's many blessings!

I hope Nate is eating well...sounds like Jer has not any problems adjusting to the food. :)

How are your ribs, Mark? Hopefully, they aren't too painful. We continue to pray for the entire McBic team and especially for God's protection and good health for everyone.

Mom (Grandma Hopkins)

Logan said...

Thanks for the updates Mark. I,ve really enjoyed keeping up with all that has been going on. I'm glad
everything has been going so well there and I look forward to your next posting. Jordan and Brandan are my brothers.