Saturday, February 14, 2009

Update From Sherry

Today we went to a Colonial to hand out food and clothing to the people there. When we got there Ricardo pulled onto a fenced property and we all got out. He said - this was his property that he is paying for and asked us to pray over it and for the future house that will sit on it. He hopes to eventually build a church. It was neat to be able to join together in prayer for him and his family.

At the site there were some houses being built with cinder block, but a lot just built out of anything they could find. There was one swing set with 2 small swings on it - other than that we did not see any children playing anywhere. There was a small boy who was being carried by his mother out to his wheelchair. I later saw the mom take him for a walk on the dusty pot holed road in the scorching sun- when we went to give them some clothes and food I realized he was blind and probably had some other problems also. They were very grateful for the items, especially shoes. It was incredible to see this place and realize that people like Ricardo and his wife Olga are dreaming of building their home here. Compared to the orphanage and what they have here it is amazing to think that this could be their dream, but it is something that will belong to them and they will be on their own, they can not wait for the day. We were not able to give out all that we had brought because we had to walk from house to house and that took some time. We will leave the items here for another team to be able to give away.

When we came back - we had a good taco salad in the dining area - rice, hamburger, beans, lettuce and corn chips. The food has been really good - at least most of the adults think so - I thought I would be losing some pounds, but instead, may be doing the opposite, hopefully I am working it all off. Chris and Roger put another coat of paint on a room upstairs and I finished cleaning the new school room. Pastor Dave and the kids have been ballooning today.

I learned from the Director Madelyn that none of the kids have total sponsorship here which is $20 a month and each child needs 10 sponsors each. It was good to sit and talk to her about the Homes needs. She was very appreciative of this group and shared that she felt like our group was just a great fit for the Home and hoped that we would continue to come back and watch these kids grow up.

Well, bye for now, thanks for all your prayers, we have felt them beyond what you could know.

God Bless,

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