Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Day Numero Uno

Well, it's Day 1 - Tuesday that is - February 10th, and for many of us, our journey began EARLY (like, waking up at 4am) in the morning. Needless to say, we are all tired. Well, some of the kids still seem to have energy.

Some of us flew out of BWI. Here's where we parked - in case you are interested :)


We arrived in PLENTY of time - they unknowingly bumped our flight back a good 40 minutes. Here are a bunch of the kids lined up with their techie devices.


All of us arrived safely in McAllen - YEAH!!! The kids traveled great! And we all got to eat some really expensive airport food. You know the "5 dollar foot-long" commercials for SUBWAY? Well, that's not the case at the airport!!


We were able to eat a BIG dinner together at a buffet place near our hotel. Someone said it was our "last meal" before heading to Mexico tomorrow (although, we do have breakfast at the hotel tomorrow). and speaking of hotels, this one's a nice one. Some of us have already taken advantage of the indoor/outdoor pool.

I just got back into the room from buying supplies at Big Lots & K-Mart. We bought some pillows, food, and some sports equipment. The children's home dropped off a van for our use and we were able to load it right into the van already.

Speaking of the van - it's a classic. It's probably a late 80's or early 90's chevy van. I think it the same one that I drove on our last trip down here. At least this time, the seatbelt worked!! But man, it needs some TLC. I think I'll be in prayer to see if this is one of the projects we can help with while we are down here - although, none of us are mechanics.

Tomorrow, we get picked up at 10am. I'm not sure if that's 10am according to my watch or 10am Mexican time. This is probably one of the hardest adjustments for someone like me (I like to be EARLY). I always grow in this are when we are down here.

The rest of the day tomorrow is for settling in, getting a handle on what areas we can help out with at the children's home, communicating with the Reynosa BIC Church, and possibly getting some supplies.

Well, I'm tired, so I'm off to bed.

(by the way, Beth hasn't proofed my PA dutch writing (she's helping get our boys ready for bed), so please forgive any of these mistakes :) - she would appreciate the discalimer)

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